Introduction Since time immemorial, the woman has suffered a lot. There are many evils that exist in our society such as Dowry death, rape, kidnapping, selling of girls. All these things are considered crime in the eyes of law. Laws are being made by our lawmakers to stop such kinds of crime against women. So, this article briefly discusses the provisions available in the Indian Penal Code for woman, however, there are other statues in India as well, such as CRPC, special laws for a woman such as dowry prohibition act, POSCO, maternity benefits Act, etc. Provisions of IPC Outraging the modesty of women (Section 354 of IPC) According to section 354 of the IPC, if someone assaults or uses criminal force to outrage the modesty of a woman, then he can be punished with imprisonment of a minimum of 1 year and maximum to 5 years, or fine or both. The word used ‘assault’ here doesn’t mean only using physical force, it also includes making verbal gestures with...
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